We had a Dinner for Eight party at our house this weekend on Saturday, and a neighborhood potluck on Sunday afternoon. The hit of both of these parties were our new pigs, Red and Freckles. It gave the kids something to do to go pick some tomatoes to take to the pigs. The pigs showed off by showing us how they drink from the water barrel with the pig nipples. We so enjoyed seeing this. The pigs have also been entertainment for our cattle. The cattle rotation came close to the pig area this week, so they were busy getting to know each other.
So we went and picked my mom up from SC to keep her out of the path of Hurricane Florence. My mom is a busy person and needs something to do (wonder where I get it from?) Anyway, when she came, I mentioned I needed to clean the fabric up in my sewing room. I thought that would keep her busy all weekend. Ha. She finished that the same day, and called me up to help her. Then she wanted to vacuum, and before I knew what happened I was taking the vacuum cleaner apart and fixing it and she was directing me where to vacuum. Well then she proceeded to direct me on how to clean the dish drainer with a paint brush to get those tiny metal pieces. My husband took a turn when she wanted to clean out the refrigerator. Anyway, we got so much done she ended up being more of a blessing to me than I was to her. For those times when I just needed to sit down a minute, I found my husband's homemade blueberry wine to be delicious. LOL. It even gave me the subject matter for the children's moment I did the Sunday after, and left the house cleaner than ever for the events we had at our house the next weekend.
Life is so good. . .