Sunday, March 20, 2022

Pre-Spring Farm Work

 Past experience helps with planning for the year and making it happen.  We knew we needed some pork for the freezer coming up, so bought two piglets to grow.  Meet Pinkie and Dottie.  We often sing to the old song "Frankie and Johnnie".  Luckily we had all the equipment from the past, but had to drag it out and put it together.  We have had them for not quite two weeks and they have already grown quite a bit. 

Speaking of having grown quite a bit, The seedlings have grown and several of the plants have been transplanted to have more space to themselves.  Some new items we have added this year are:  Chicory to try as a coffee substitute, cumin which I use all the time, sage which I have been buying as a plant, and Tulsi Basil which can help regulate blood sugar and is a good all around medicinal.  

Last year was the first year our Paw Paw trees bloomed but did not make fruit.  Upon further reading, it seems that the trees need to draw flies over to pollinate the blooms.  As the blooms are a non-descript brown, many recommend adding something that will draw in flies.  Some suggested hanging a dead fish in the branches.  Me, I figured if I could clean out the barn, surely that cow manure would bring over the flies and two jobs done at once.  Fingers crossed.

My husband went to help a friend with some pigs and brought home meat for the freezer on which he is practicing his charcuterie skills.  Great job honey!  Thanks Kirsten and Walter!

Life is Good!

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